'Book' 카테고리의 글 목록 :: iopeni - Think of C#

'Book'에 해당되는 글 5건

  1. 2017.01.14 윈도우 프로그래밍......
  2. 2016.12.30 너무 놀았나???????
  3. 2014.04.20 미쳤따아~~~~~
  4. 2013.07.17 C# 표준...
  5. 2013.07.16 C# Language Specification Version 5.0

"펫졸드 가라사대.........."

라는 말을 아시는가?

어느 정도 년수가 된 프로그래머라면 찰스 펫졸드를 모르면 간첩이라고나 할까....

오늘 또 펫졸드 아저씨의 책을 한권 질렀다...

사실.. 주기적으로 지른다.. 이 아저씨의 책은.. 


이번에 지른 펫졸드 아저씨의 책이다..



이 아저씨의 책을 제일 처음 본건....


이 책이다...


ㅎㅎ 벌써 23년이 지났네...


23년 IT를 했는데. 난 아직도 이책의 반도 이해 못한다.. 불행하게도 말이다... 쩝

'Book > Computor Book...' 카테고리의 다른 글

너무 놀았나???????  (0) 2016.12.30
미쳤따아~~~~~  (0) 2014.04.20
C# 표준...  (0) 2013.07.17
C# Language Specification Version 5.0  (0) 2013.07.16
Posted by 프로그래머란 카페인을 코드로 변환하는 기계다

오늘은 조금은 특별한 날이다....

9월 15일 이후 백수 생활 시작.. 내가 조금은 너무 놀았나 보다. 약간의 압력과 압박을 모른척 하고.. 정말 꾸준하게 놀았나 보다.....

오늘 와이프가 갑작스레 선물 아닌 선물을 했다.

혹시 아시는가?

개발자라면 누구나 봤을 법한... C기초 플러스.... 서울대학교 수업 교재 였고...

내가 처음 C라는 언어를 접했을 때 본 책이기도 하다.....

서울 대학교의 그 수업 교재는.. ㅎㅎ 지금 사진으로 찍을 수 없을 듯 하다... 책... 버렸나 보다.. 그래도 내가 가지고 있는 C기초 플러스....

그 역사를 보여 드리겠다...

그랬다.. 이 책은 정말 세계적인 명서 였고... 지금 우리집 책장에 있는 가장 오래된 책 중에.. 하나일 것이다.. 벌써 20년은 넘은 책이니까....


나에게 C라는 언어를 알려준 책이다... 물론 옛날 서울대 황희융 교수님께서 수업 교재로 채택 하셨던 바로 그 책이다.

오늘... 갑작스레 우리 와이프가.. 나에게.. 몇 종의 책을 선물 했는데.. 대략.. 한 20만원은 쓴거 같다..

무슨 책이 필요 한지 묻지도 않았다...

그냥 선물 했다.. 이 선물들은 나에게 약간의 향수와... 옛날 기억과... 그리고...

아.. 너무 놀았나 보다... 라는 자각을 하게 되었다...

오늘 우리 와이프가 나에게 선물한.... C 기초 플러스... ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 사진으로 보자..

흐... 이거 참....

다른 책들이다...


은근 책 욕심이 많은 나에게.. 명서와...

그리고 봐 두면 좋을 만한.. 교양서... 그런 책들을.. 선물 했다....

이렇게 볼 책이 생길 때마다 나는 왜 이렇게 행복 할까.....

마눌 사랑해요~~ 고마워요~~~~ 공부 열쒸미 해서 돈 마니 벌어 드릴께요~~~~~~~~~~

'Book > Computor Book...' 카테고리의 다른 글

윈도우 프로그래밍......  (0) 2017.01.14
미쳤따아~~~~~  (0) 2014.04.20
C# 표준...  (0) 2013.07.17
C# Language Specification Version 5.0  (0) 2013.07.16
Posted by 프로그래머란 카페인을 코드로 변환하는 기계다

뭐 사실 그렇습니다.

집에 엄청 많은 책이 있습니다.

사실 다 보지도 못했습니다.

근데 오늘 겁내 질러 버렸습니다.

ㅜ,.ㅜ;; 보지도 않을 듯 한데....

뭐 질렀으니 남깁니다.

암튼 보기라도 해야 할껀데.......

'Book > Computor Book...' 카테고리의 다른 글

윈도우 프로그래밍......  (0) 2017.01.14
너무 놀았나???????  (0) 2016.12.30
C# 표준...  (0) 2013.07.17
C# Language Specification Version 5.0  (0) 2013.07.16
Posted by 프로그래머란 카페인을 코드로 변환하는 기계다

C# 표준...

Book/Computor Book... 2013. 7. 17. 13:08

세상엔 수많은 표준들이 존재 한다....


프로그램 개발자로서 사용하고 있는 언어의 표준은 한번 쯤 익혀야 하지 않을까?




위 링크에서 다음과 같은 표준을 확인 할 수 있다.


Ecma Standard Standard's Description ISO/IEC and/or ETSI Number
ECMA-6 7-Bit Coded Character Set, 6th edition (December 1991) ISO/IEC 646 *
ITU-T T.50


ECMA-13 File Structure and Labelling of Magnetic Tapes for Information Interchange, 4th edition (December 1985) ISO 1001 *
ECMA-35 Character Code Structure and Extension Techniques, 6th edition (December 1994) ISO/IEC 2022 *
ECMA-43 8-Bit Coded Character Set Structure and Rules, 3rd edition (December 1991) ISO/IEC 4873 *
ECMA-48 Control Functions for Coded Character Sets, 5th edition (June 1991) ISO/IEC 6429 *
ECMA-74 Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment, 12th edition (December 2012) ISO 7779 *
ECMA-94 8-Bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Latin Alphabets No. 1 to No. 4, 2ndedition (June 1986) ISO 8859-1, -2, -3 and -4 *
ECMA-99 Data Interchange on 130 mm Flexible Disk Cartridges Using MFM Recording at 13 262 ftprad on Both Sides, 3,8 Tracks per mm (September 1985) ISO 8630 *
ECMA-100 Data Interchange on 90 mm Flexible Disk Cartridges Using MFM Recording at 7 958 ftprad on 80 Tracks on Each Side - ISO Type 301, 2nd edition (December 1988) ISO 8860 *
ECMA-106 Private Telecommunication Networks (PTN) - Signalling Protocol at the S Reference Point - Circuit Mode Basic Services (SSIG-BC), 3rd edition (December 1993) ETSI ETS 300 192
ECMA-107 Volume and File Structure of Disk Cartridges for Information Interchange, 2nd edition (June 1995) ISO/IEC 9293 *
ECMA-108 Measurement of High-Frequency Noise emitted by Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment, 5th edition (December 2010) ISO 9295 *
ECMA-109 Declared Noise Emission Values of Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment, 6th edition (December 2012) ISO 9296 *
ECMA-113 8-Bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Latin/Cyrillic Alphabet, 3rd edition (December 1999) ISO 8859-5 *
ECMA-114 8-Bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Latin/Arabic Alphabet, 2nd edition (December 2000) ISO 8859-6 *
ECMA-118 8-Bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Latin/Greek Alphabet (December 1986) ISO 8859-7 *
ECMA-119 Volume and File Structure of CDROM for Information Interchange, 2nd edition (December 1987) ISO 9660 *
ECMA-120 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 18-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges, 3rd edition (December 1993) ISO 9661 *
ECMA-121 8-Bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Latin/Hebrew Alphabet, 2nd edition (December 2000) ISO 8859-8 *
ECMA-125 Data Interchange on 90 mm Flexible Disk Cartridges using MFM Recording at 15 916 ftprad on 80 Tracks on Each Side - ISO Type 302 (December 1987) ISO 9529 *
ECMA-128 8-Bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Latin Alphabet No. 5, 2nd edition (December 1999) ISO 8859-9 *
ECMA-130 Data Interchange on Read-only 120 mm Optical Data Disks (CD-ROM), 2nd edition (June 1996) ISO/IEC 10149
ECMA-133 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Reference Configuration for PISN Exchanges (PINX), 2nd edition (December 1998) ISO/IEC 11579-1
ETSI ETS 300 475-1
ECMA-139 3,81 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DDS Format (June 1990) ISO/IEC 10777 *
ECMA-142 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Circuit Mode 64kbit/s Bearer Services - Service Description, Functional Capabilities and Information Flows (BCSD), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 11574
ETSI EN 300 171
ECMA-143 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Circuit Mode Bearer Services - Inter-Exchange Signalling Procedures and Protocol (QSIG-BC), 4th edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 11572
ETSI EN 300 172
ECMA-144 8-Bit Single-Byte Coded Character Sets - Latin Alphabet No. 6, 3rd edition (December 2000) ISO/IEC 8859-10 *
ECMA-145 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording (December 1990) ISO/IEC 11319 *
ECMA-146 3,81 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DATA/DAT Format (December 1990) ISO/IEC 11321 *
ECMA-147 Data Interchange on 90 mm Flexible Disk Cartridges using MFM Recording at 31 831 ftprad on 80 Tracks on Each Side - ISO Type 303 (December 1990) ISO/IEC 10994 *
ECMA-148 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Identification Supplementary Services (ISSD), 3rd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 14136
ETSI ETS 300 173
ECMA-149 Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE) - Abstract Specification, 4th edition (December 1997) ISO/IEC 13719-1 *
ECMA-150 3,81 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DDS-DC Format using 60 m and 90 m Length Tapes, 2nd edition (June 1992) ISO/IEC 11557 *
ECMA-151 Data Compression for Information Interchange - Adaptive Coding with Embedded Dictionary - DCLZ Algorithm (June 1991) ISO/IEC 11558 *
ECMA-152 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 18-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - Extended Format, 2nd edition (December 1993) ISO/IEC 11559 *
ECMA-153 Information Interchange on 130 mm Optical Disk Cartridges of the Write Once, Read Multiple (WORM) Type, using the Magneto-Optical Effect, 2nd edition (June 1994) ISO/IEC 11560
ECMA-154 Data Interchange on 90 mm Optical Disk Cartridges, Read only and Rewritable, M.O., 2nd edition (June 1994) ISO/IEC 10090
ECMA-155 Private Integrated Services Networks - Addressing, 2nd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 11571
ETSI EN 300 189
ECMA-156 Private Telecommunication Networks (PTN) - Signalling at the S Reference Point - Generic Keypad Protocol for the Support of Supplementary Services (SSIG-KP), 2nd edition (June 1993) ETSI ETS 300 190
ECMA-157 Private Telecommunication Networks (PTN) - Signalling Protocol at the S Reference Point - Identification Supplementary Services (SSIG-ID), 2nd edition (June 1993) ETSI ETS 300 191
ECMA-158 Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE) - C Programming Language Binding, 4th  edition (December 1997) ISO/IEC 13719-2 *
ECMA-159 Data Compression for Information Interchange - Binary Arithmetic Coding Algorithm (December 1991) ISO/IEC 12042 *
ECMA-160 Determination of Sound Power Levels of Computer and Business Equipment using Sound Intensity Measurements; Scanning Method in Controlled Rooms, 2nd edition (December 1992) ISO 9614-2 *
ECMA-161 Private Telecommunication Networks (PTN) - Signalling at the S Reference Point - Generic Feature Key Management Protocol for the Control of Supplementary Services (SSIG-FK), 2nd edition (June 1993) ETSI ETS 300 240
ECMA-162 Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE) - Ada Programming Language Binding, 4th  edition (December 1997) ISO/IEC 13719-3 *
ECMA-163 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Name Identification Supplementary Services (NISD), 3rd edition (September 1997) ISO/IEC 13864
ETSI ETS 300 237
ECMA-164 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Name Identification Supplementary Services (QSIG-NA), 4th edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 13868
ETSI ETS 300 238
ECMA-165 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Generic Functional Protocol for the Support of Supplementary Services - Inter-Exchange Signalling Procedures and Protocol (QSIG-GF), 4th edition (June 2001) ISO/IEC 11582
ETSI ETS 300 239
ECMA-167 Volume and File Structure for Write-Once and Rewritable Media using Non-Sequential Recording for Information Interchange, 3rd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 13346 *
ECMA-168 Volume and File Structure of Read-Only and Write-Once Compact Disk Media for Information Interchange, 2nd edition (December 1994) ISO/IEC 13490 *
ECMA-169 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge Dual Azimuth Format for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording (June 1992) ISO/IEC 12246 *
ECMA-170 3,81 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DDS Format Using 60 m and 90 m Length Tapes (June 1992) ISO/IEC 12247 *
ECMA-171 3,81 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DATA/DAT-DC Format Using 60 m and 90 m Length Tapes (June 1992) ISO/IEC 12248 *
ECMA-173 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Call Diversion Supplementary Services (CFSD), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 13872
ETSI ETS 300 256
ECMA-174 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Diversion Supplementary Services (QSIG-CF), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 13873
ETSI ETS 300 257
ECMA-175 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Path Replacement Additional Network Feature (ANF-PRSD), 3rd edition (December 1998) ISO/IEC 13863
ETSI ETS 300 258
ECMA-176 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Path Replacement Additional Network Feature (QSIG-PR), 4th edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 13874
ETSI ETS 300 259
ECMA-177 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Call Transfer Supplementary Service (CTSD), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 13865
ETSI ETS 300 260
ECMA-178 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Transfer Supplementary Service (QSIG-CT), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 13869
ETSI ETS 300 261
ECMA-179 Services for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase I (June 1992)  
ECMA-180 Protocol for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase I (June 1992)  
ECMA-182 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 48-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - DLT1 Format (December 1992) ISO/IEC 13421 *
ECMA-183 Data Interchange on 130 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - Capacity: 1 Gigabyte per Cartridge (December 1992) ISO/IEC 13481
ECMA-184 Data Interchange on 130 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - Capacity: 1,3 Gigabytes per Cartridge (December 1992) ISO/IEC 13549
ECMA-185 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Call Completion Supplementary Services (CCSD), 2nd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 13866
ETSI ETS 300 365
ECMA-186 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Completion Supplementary Services (QSIG-CC), 4th edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 13870
ETSI ETS 300 366
ECMA-189 Information Interchange on 300 mm Optical Disk Cartridges of the Write Once, Read Multiple (WORM) Type using the SSF Method (June 1993) ISO/IEC 13614
ECMA-190 Information Interchange on 300 mm Optical Disk Cartridges of the Write Once, Read Multiple (WORM) Type using the CCS Method (June 1993) ISO/IEC 13403
ECMA-191 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Call Offer Supplementary Service (COSD), 2nd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 14841
ETSI EN 300 361
ECMA-192 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Offer Supplementary Service (QSIG-CO), 4th edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 14843
ETSI EN 300 362
ECMA-193 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Do Not Disturb and Do Not Disturb Override Supplementary Services (DND(O)SD), 2nd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 14842
ETSI EN 300 363
ECMA-194 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Do Not Disturb and Do Not Disturb Override Supplementary Services (QSIG-DND(O)), 4th edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 14844
ETSI EN 300 364
ECMA-195 Data Interchange on 130 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - Capacity: 2 Gigabytes per Cartridge, 2nd edition (June 1995) ISO/IEC 13842
ECMA-196 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 36-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges (December 1993) ISO/IEC 14251 *
ECMA-197 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 112-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - DLT2 Format (December 1993) ISO/IEC 13962 *
ECMA-198 3,81 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DDS-2 Format using 120 m Length Tapes, 2nd edition (June 1995) ISO/IEC 13923 *
ECMA-201 Data Interchange on 90 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - Capacity: 230 Megabytes per Cartridge, 2nd edition (December 1994) ISO/IEC 13963
ECMA-202 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Call Intrusion Supplementary Service (CISD), 2nd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 14845
ETSI EN 300 425
ECMA-203 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Intrusion Supplementary Service (QSIG-CI), 4th edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 14846
ETSI EN 300 426
ECMA-205 Commercially Oriented Functionality Class for Security Evaluation (COFC) (December 1993)  
ECMA-206 Association Context Management including Security Context Management (December 1993)  
ECMA-207 Data Interchange on 90 mm Flexible Disk Cartridges - 326 Data Tracks on each Side - Capacity: 21 Mbytes - ISO Type 305 (June 1994) ISO/IEC 14169 *
ECMA-208 System-Independent Data Format - SIDF (December 1994) ISO/IEC 14863 *
ECMA-209 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 128-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - DLT3 Format (December 1994) ISO/IEC 14833 *
ECMA-210 12,65 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DATA-D3-1 Format, 2nd edition (December 1995) ISO/IEC 14840 *
ECMA-211 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Advice of Charge Supplementary Services (AOCSD), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15049
ETSI EN 301 254
ECMA-212 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Advice of Charge Supplementary Services (QSIG-AOC), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15050
ETSI EN 301 264
ECMA-213 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Recall Supplementary Service (RESD), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15051
ETSI EN 301 257
ECMA-214 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Recall Supplementary Service (QSIG-RE), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15052
ETSI EN 301 258
ECMA-217 Services for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase II (December 1994)  
ECMA-218 Protocol for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase II (December 1994)  
ECMA-219 Authentication and Privilege Attribute Security Application with Related Key Distribution Functions - Part 1, 2 and 3, 2nd edition (March 1996)  
ECMA-220 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Call Interception Additional Network Feature (ANF-CINTSD), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15053
ETSI EN 301 256
ECMA-221 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Interception Additional Network Feature (QSIG-CINT), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15054
ETSI EN 301 265
ECMA-222 Adaptive Lossless Data Compression Algorithm (June 1995) ISO/IEC 15200 *
ECMA-223 Data Interchange on 90 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - Capacity: 385 Megabytes per Cartridge (June 1995)  
ECMA-224 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Transit Counter Additional Network Feature (ANF-TCSD), 2nd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 15055
ETSI EN 301 047
ECMA-225 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Transit Counter Additional Network Feature (QSIG-TC), 2nd edition (June 1997) ISO/IEC 15056
ETSI EN 301 048
ECMA-226 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Mapping Functions for the Employment of Dedicated Circuit Mode Connections as Inter-PTNX Connections (MAPPING-CM-STATIC) (June 1995) ETSI EN 301 765
ECMA-230 Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE) - IDL Binding (Interface Definition Language), 2nd edition (December 1997) ISO/IEC 13719-4 *
ECMA-231 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 128-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - DLT 4 Format (December 1995) ISO/IEC 15307 *
ECMA-232 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Profile Standard for the Connection of Radio Paging Equipment (RPE) to a PISN (December 1995) ETSI ETS 300 739
ECMA-234 Application Programming Interface for Windows (APIW) (December 1995)  
ECMA-235 The Ecma GSS-API Mechanism (March 1996)  
ECMA-236 3,81 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DDS-3 Format using 125 m Length Tapes (June 1996) ISO/IEC 15521 *
ECMA-238 Data Interchange on 130 mm Optical Disk Cartridge of Type WORM (Write Once Read Many) using Irreversible Effects - Capacity: 2,6 Gbytes per Cartridge (June 1996) ISO/IEC 15486
ECMA-239 Data Interchange on 90 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - HS-1 Format - Capacity: 650 Megabytes per Cartridge (June 1996) ISO/IEC 15498 *
ECMA-240 Data Interchange on 120 mm Optical Disk Cartridges using Phase Change PD Format - Capacity: 650 Mbytes per Cartridge (June 1996) ISO/IEC 15485
ECMA-241 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Message Waiting Indication Supplementary Service (MWISD), 4th edition (February 2002) ISO/IEC 15505
ETSI EN 301 260
ECMA-242 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Message Waiting Indication Supplementary Service (QSIG-MWI), 4th edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15506
ETSI EN 301 255
ECMA-244 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Mapping Functions for the Employment of a Circuit Mode Basic Service and the Supplementary Service User-to-User Signalling as a pair of On-demand Inter-PINX Connections (Mapping-UUS), 2nd edition (September 2000) ISO/IEC 17309
ETSI EN 301 102
ECMA-245 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - PINX Clock Synchronization (SYNC-SIG), 2nd edition (September 1997) ISO/IEC 15507
ETSI EN 301 259
ECMA-246 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - AIT-1 Format, 2nd edition (June 1998) ISO/IEC 15780 *
ECMA-247 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - HH-1 Format, 2nd edition (June 1998) ISO/IEC 15718 *
ECMA-248 12,65 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cassette for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DTF-1 Format, 2nd edition (June 1998) ISO/IEC 15731 *
ECMA-249 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DA-2 Format, 2nd edition (June 1998) ISO/IEC 15757 *
ECMA-250 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Common Information Additional Network Feature (ANF-CMNSD), 2nd edition (December 1998) ISO/IEC 15771
ETSI EN 301 819
ECMA-251 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Common Information Additional Network Feature (QSIG-CMN), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15772
ETSI EN 301 820
ECMA-252 Broadband Private Integrated Services Network (B-PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Transit Counter Additional Network Feature (B-QSIG-TC) (December 1996) ISO/IEC 15773
ECMA-253 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Mapping Functions for the Employement of 64 kbit/s Circuit Mode Connection with 16 kbit/s Sub-multiplexing (Mapping/16), 2nd edition (September 2000) ISO/IEC 17310
ETSI EN 301 039
ECMA-254 Broadband Private Integrated Services Network (B-PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Generic Functional Protocol (B-QSIG-GF), 2nd edition (December 1999) ISO/IEC 19058
ECMA-258 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 128-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - DLT 3-XT Format (June 1997) ISO/IEC 15895 *
ECMA-259 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 208-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - DLT 5 Format (June 1997) ISO/IEC 15896 *
ECMA-260 Data Interchange on 356 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - WORM, using Phase Change Technology Capacity: 14,8 and 25 Gbytes per Cartridge (June 1997) ISO/IEC 15898
ECMA-261 Broadband Private Integrated Services Network (B-PISN) - Service Description - Broadband Connection Oriented Bearer Services (B-BCSD) (June 1997) ISO/IEC 15899
ECMA-262 ECMAScript® Language Specification, 5.1 edition (June 2011) ISO/IEC 16262 *
ECMA-263 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Call Priority Interruption and Call Priority Interruption Protection Supplementary Services (CPI(P)SD), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15991
ETSI EN 301 655
ECMA-264 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Priority Interruption and Call Priority Interruption Protection Supplementary Services (QSIG-CPI(P)), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15992
ETSI EN 301 656
ECMA-265 Broadband Private Integrated Services Network (B-PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Signalling ATM Adaptation Layer (B-QSIG-SAAL) (September 1997) ISO/IEC 13246
ECMA-266 Broadband Private Integrated Services Network (B-PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Basic Call/Connection Control (B-QSIG-BC) (September 1997) ISO/IEC 13247
ECMA-267 120 mm DVD - Read-Only Disk, 3rd edition (April 2001) ISO/IEC 16448
ECMA-268 80 mm DVD - Read-Only Disk, 3rd edition (April 2001) ISO/IEC 16449
ECMA-269 Services for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase III, 9th edition (December 2011) ISO/IEC 18051
ETSI TS 102 173
ECMA-270 Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE) - Mapping from CASE Data Interchange Format (CDIF) to PCTE (December 1997)  
ECMA-271 Extended Commercially Oriented Functionality Class for Security Evaluation (E-COFC), 2nd edition (December 1999)  
ECMA-272 120 mm DVD Rewritable Disk (DVD-RAM), 2nd edition (June 1999) ISO/IEC 16824
ECMA-273 Case for 120 mm DVD-RAM Disks (February 1998) ISO/IEC 16825
ECMA-274 Data Interchange on 120 mm Optical Disk using +RW Format - Capacity: 3,0 Gbytes and 6,0 Gbytes, 2nd edition (June 1999) ISO/IEC 16969
ECMA-275 Measurement of Structure-Borne Vibration induced by Small Air Moving Devices (AMDs), 2nd edition (December 2002)  
ECMA-276 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Reference Configuration for PINX Extension Lines (June 1998) ISO/IEC 11579-3
ETSI EN 301 465
ECMA-277 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Circuit Emulation Specification - Emulation of Basic Access by ATM Networks (June 1998)  
ECMA-278 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 128-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridge - Parallel Serpentine Format, 2nd edition (June 2000) ISO/IEC 17913 *
ECMA-279 80 mm (1,23 Gbytes per side) and 120 mm (3,95 Gbytes per side) DVD-Recordable Disk (DVD-R) (December 1998) ISO/IEC 20563
ECMA-280 Data Interchange on 130 mm Optical Disk Cartridges of Type WORM (Write Once Read Many) using Irreversible Effects - Capacity: 5,2 Gbytes per Cartridge (December 1998) ISO/IEC 18093
ECMA-281 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Private User Mobility (PUM) - Registration Supplementary Service (PUMRSD), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 17875
ETSI EN 301 822
ECMA-282 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Private User Mobility (PUM) - Registration Supplementary Service (QSIG-PUMR), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 17876
ETSI EN 301 821
ECMA-283 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Private User Mobility (PUM) - Call Handling Additional Network Features (PUMCHSD), 2nd edition (June 2000) ISO/IEC 17877
ETSI EN 301 657
ECMA-284 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Private User Mobility (PUM) - Call Handling Additional Network Features (QSIG-PUMCH), 3rd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 17878
ETSI EN 301 810
ECMA-285 ASN.1 for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase III, 4th edition (December 2011) ISO/IEC 18052
ECMA-286 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm 208-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - DLT 6 Format, 2nd edition (June 2000) ISO/IEC 16382 *
ECMA-287 Safety of electronic equipment, 2nd edition (December 2002)  
ECMA-288 3,81 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DDS-4 Format (June 1999) ISO/IEC 17462
ECMA-289 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Mapping Functions for the Employment of 64 kbit/s Circuit Mode Connections with 8 kbit/s Sub-Multiplexing (Mapping/8), 2nd edition (September 2000) ISO/IEC 17311
ETSI EN 301 924
ECMA-291 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording AIT-1 with MIC Format (December 1999) ISO/IEC 18809
ECMA-292 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording AIT-2 with MIC Format (December 1999) ISO/IEC 18810
ECMA-293 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - MammothTape-2 Format (December 1999) ISO/IEC 18836
ECMA-294 B-ISDN and B-PISN - Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. two (DSS2), Broadband Inter-Exchange Signalling (B-QSIG), and Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - Call Control in a Separated Call and Bearer Control Environment - Part 1: Protocol Specification (December 1999) ETSI EN 302 092-1
ECMA-295 B-ISDN and B-PISN - Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. two (DSS2), Broadband Inter-Exchange Signalling (B-QSIG), and Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - Call Control in a Separated Call and Bearer Control Environment - Part 2: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma Specification (December 1999) ETSI EN 302 092-2
ECMA-296 B-ISDN and B-PISN - Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. two (DSS2), Broadband Inter-Exchange Signalling (B-QSIG), and Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - Prenegotiation - Part 1: Protocol Specification (December 1999) ETSI EN 302 091-1
ECMA-297 B-ISDN and B-PISN - Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. two (DSS2), Broadband Inter-Exchange Signalling (B-QSIG), and Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - Prenegotiation - Part 2: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma Specification (December 1999) ETSI EN 302 091-2
ECMA-298 Broadband Private Integrated Services Network (B-PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Separated Bearer Control (SBC) (B-QSIG-SBC) (December 1999) ETSI EN 301 776
ECMA-299 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Single Step Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SSCT-SD), 2nd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 19459
ETSI EN 301 918
ECMA-300 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Single Step Call Transfer Supplementary Service (QSIG-SSCT), 2nd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 19460
ETSI EN 301 919
ECMA-301 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Wireless Terminal Location Registration Supplementary Service and Wireless Terminal Information Exchange Additional Network Feature (WTMLR-SD) (June 2000) ISO/IEC 15428
ETSI EN 301 824
ECMA-302 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Wireless Terminal Location Registration Supplementary Service and Wireless Terminal Information Exchange Additional Network Feature (QSIG-WTMLR), 2nd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15429
ETSI EN 301 825
ECMA-303 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Wireless Terminal Call Handling Additional Network Features (WTMCH-SD) (June 2000) ISO/IEC 15430
ETSI EN 301 826
ECMA-304 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Wireless Terminal Call Handling Additional Network Features (QSIG-WTMCH), 2nd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15431
ETSI EN 301 827
ECMA-305 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Wireless Terminal Authentication Supplementary Services (WTMAU-SD) (June 2000) ISO/IEC 15432
ETSI EN 301 828
ECMA-306 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Wireless Terminal Authentication Supplementary Services (QSIG-WTMAU), 2nd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 15433
ETSI EN 301 829
ECMA-307 Corporate Telecommunication Networks - Signalling Interworking between QSIG and H.323 - Generic Functional Protocol for the Support of Supplementary Services (June 2000) ISO/IEC 21409
ETSI TS 101 905
ECMA-308 Corporate Telecommunication Networks - Signalling Interworking between QSIG and H.323 - Call Transfer Supplementary Services, 2nd edition (June 2001) ISO/IEC 21410
ETSI TS 101 907
ECMA-309 Corporate Telecommunication Networks - Signalling Interworking between QSIG and H.323 - Call Diversion Supplementary Services, 2nd edition (June 2001) ISO/IEC 21411
ETSI TS 101 906
ECMA-310 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Simple Dialog Supplementary Service (SDSD) (June 2000) ISO/IEC 21407
ETSI EN 301 920
ECMA-311 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Simple Dialog Supplementary Service (QSIG-SD), 2nd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 21408
ETSI EN 301 921
ECMA-312 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Profile Standard for the Use of PSS1 (QSIG) in Air Traffic Services Networks, 3rd edition (June 2003) ETSI EN 301 846
ECMA-313 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Call Identification and Call Linkage Additional Network Feature (CIDLSD) (September 2000) ISO/IEC 21888
ETSI EN 301 922
ECMA-314 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Call Identification and Call Linkage Additional Network Feature (QSIG-CIDL), 2nd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 21889
ETSI EN 301 923
ECMA-315 12,65 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cassette for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - DTF-2 (December 2000) ISO/IEC 20061
ECMA-316 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - VXA-1 Format, 2nd edition (December 2001) ISO/IEC 20062
ECMA-317 Data Interchange on 300 mm Optical Disk Cartridges of Type WORM (Write Once Read Many) using Irreversible Effects - Capacity: 30 Gbytes per Cartridge (December 2000) ISO/IEC 20162
ECMA-318 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Use of QSIG at the C Reference Point between a PINX and an Interconnecting Network (December 2000) ISO/IEC 20161
ETSI TS 101 914
ECMA-319 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm - 384-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - Ultrium-1 Format (June 2001) ISO/IEC 22050
ECMA-320 Data Interchange on 12,7 mm - 448-Track Magnetic Tape Cartridges - SDLT1 Format (June 2001) ISO/IEC 22051
ECMA-321 Streaming Lossless Data Compression Algorithm - (SLDC) (June 2001) ISO/IEC 22091
ECMA-322 Data Interchange on 130 mm Magneto-Optical Disk Cartridges - Capacity: 9,1 Gbytes per Cartridge (June 2001) ISO/IEC 22092
ECMA-323 XML Protocol for Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) Phase III, 6th edition (December 2011) ISO/IEC 18056
ETSI TS 102 174
ECMA-324 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows - Short Message Service (SMSSD) (June 2001) ISO/IEC 21989
ETSI EN 301 990
ECMA-325 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol - Short Message Service (QSIG-SMS) (June 2001) ISO/IEC 21990
ETSI EN 301 991
ECMA-326 Corporate Telecommunication Networks - Signalling Interworking between QSIG and H.323 - Call Completion Supplementary Services (June 2001) ISO/IEC 21991
ETSI TS 101 989
ECMA-327 ECMAScript 3rd Edition Compact Profile (June 2001)  
ECMA-328 Determination of Chemical Emission Rates from Electronic Equipment, 5th edition (December 2010) ISO/IEC 28360
ECMA-329 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - AIT-3 Format (December 2001) ISO/IEC 23651
ECMA-330 120 mm (4,7 Gbytes per side) and 80 mm (1,46 Gbytes per side) DVD Rewritable Disk (DVD-RAM), 3rd edition (June 2005) ISO/IEC 17592
ECMA-331 Cases for 120 mm and 80 mm DVD-RAM Disks, 2nd edition (June 2004) ISO/IEC 17594
ECMA-332 Corporate Telecommunication Networks - Signalling Interworking between QSIG and H.323 - Basic Services (December 2001) ISO/IEC 23289
ETSI TS 102 036
ECMA-333 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Mapping Functions for the Tunnelling of QSIG through H.323 Networks, 2nd edition (December 2003) ISO/IEC 23290
ETSI TS 102 037
ECMA-334 C# Language Specification, 4th edition (June 2006) ISO/IEC 23270
ECMA-335 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), 6th edition (June 2012) ISO/IEC 23271
ECMA-336 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) - Mapping Functions for the Tunnelling of QSIG through IP Networks (Mapping/IP-QSIG) (June 2002) ISO/IEC 21992
ETSI TS 102 075
ECMA-337 Data Interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm - Optical Disk using +RW Format - Capacity: 4,7 and 1,46 Gbytes per side (Recording speed up to 4X), 4th edition (June 2008) ISO/IEC 17341
ECMA-338 80 mm (1,46 Gbytes per side) and 120 mm (4,70 Gbytes per side) DVD Re-recordable Disk (DVD-RW) (December 2002) ISO/IEC 17342
ECMA-339 Corporate Telecommunication Networks - Signalling Interworking between QSIG and SIP - Basic Services, 2nd edition (December 2006) ISO/IEC 17343
ETSI TS 102 166
ECMA-340 Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol (NFCIP-1), 3rd edition (June 2013) ISO/IEC 18092
ETSI EN 302 190
ECMA-341 Environmental Design Considerations for ICT & CE Products, 4th edition (December 2010)  
ECMA-342 RapidIOTMInterconnect Systems (February 2003) ISO/IEC 18372
ECMA-343 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) – Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows – Make Call Request Supplementary Service (MCRSD) (June 2003) ISO/IEC 20113
ETSI TS 102 256
ECMA-344 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) – Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol – Make Call Request Supplementary Service (QSIG-MCR) (June 2003) ISO/IEC 20114
ETSI TS 102 257
ECMA-345 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) – Use of QSIG for Message Centre Access (MCA) Profile Standard (June 2003) ISO/IEC 20115
ETSI TS 102 253


ECMA-346 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) – Specification, Functional Model and Information Flows – Message Centre Monitoring and Mailbox Identification Supplementary Services (MCM-SD / MID-SD) (June 2003) ISO/IEC 20116
ETSI TS 102 254
ECMA-347 Private Integrated Services Network (PISN) – Inter-Exchange Signalling Protocol – Message Centre Monitoring and Mailbox Identification Supplementary Services (QSIG-MCM / QSIG-MID) (June 2003) ISO/IEC 20117
ETSI TS 102 255
ECMA-348 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for CSTA Phase III, 5th edition (June 2012) ISO/IEC 18450
ECMA-349 Data Interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm Optical Disk using +R Format - Capacity: 4,7 and 1,46 Gbytes per Side (Recording speed up to 16X), 4th edition (June 2008)
ISO/IEC 17344
ECMA-350 Data Interchange on 130 mm Rewritable and Write Once Read Many Ultra Density Optical (UDO) Disk Cartridges - Capacity: 30 Gbytes per Cartridge - First Generation, 3rd edition (December 2006) ISO/IEC 17345
ECMA-351 Data Interchange on 90 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - Capacity: 1,3 Gbytes per Cartridge (December 2003) ISO/IEC 17346
ECMA-352 Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol -2 (NFCIP-2), 3rd edition (June 2013) ISO/IEC 21481
ETSI TS 102 312
ECMA-353 Data Interchange on 90 mm Optical Disk Cartridges - Capacity 2,3 Gbytes per Cartridge (June 2004) ISO/IEC 22533
ECMA-354 Application Session Services (June 2004) ISO/IEC 22534
ETSI TS 102 344
ECMA-355 Corporate Telecommunication Networks - Tunnelling of QSIG over SIP, 3rd edition (June 2008) ISO/IEC 22535
ETSI TS 102 345
ECMA-356 NFCIP-1 - RF Interface Test Methods, 2nd edition (June 2013) ISO/IEC 22536
ETSI TS 102 346
ECMA-357 ECMAScript for XML (E4X) Specification, 2nd edition (December 2005) ISO/IEC 22537
ECMA-358 ICT Product Radiated Emissions: 1-6 GHz (December 2004)  
ECMA-359 80 mm (1,46 Gbytes per side) and 120 mm (4,70 Gbytes per side) DVD Recordable Disk (DVD-R) (December 2004) ISO/IEC 23912
ECMA-360 Corporate telecommunication networks - Signalling interworking between QSIG and SIP - Call diversion (December 2004) ISO/IEC 23915
ETSI TS 102 393
ECMA-361 Corporate telecommunication networks - Signalling interworking between QSIG and SIP - Call transfer (December 2004) ISO/IEC 23916
ETSI TS 102 392
ECMA-362 NFCIP-1 - Protocol Test Methods, 2nd edition (December 2005) ISO/IEC 23917
ETSI TS 102 394
ECMA-363 Universal 3D File Format, 1st edition to 4th edition (June 2007)  
ECMA-364 Data interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm Optical Disk using +R DL Format - Capacity: 8,55 and 2,66 Gbytes per Side (Recording speed up to 16X), 3rd edition (December 2007) ISO/IEC 25434
ECMA-365 Data Interchange on 60 mm Read-Only ODC - Capacity: 1,8 Gbytes (UMDTM) (June 2005) ISO/IEC 25435
ECMA-366 WS-Session - Web Services for Application Session Services, 3rd edition (December 2011) ISO/IEC 25437
ETSI TS 102 440
ECMA-367 Eiffel: Analysis, Design and Programming Language, 2nd edition (June 2006) ISO/IEC 25436
ECMA-368 High Rate Ultra Wideband PHY and MAC Standard, 3rd edition (December 2008) ISO/IEC 26907
ETSI TS 102 455
ECMA-369 MAC-PHY Interface for ECMA-368, 3rd edition (December 2008) ISO/IEC 26908
ECMA-370 TED - ECO declaration logo, 4th edition (June 2009)  
ECMA-371 Data Interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm Optical Disk using +RW HS Format - Capacity: 4,7 and 1,46 Gbytes per Side (Recording speed 8X), 2nd edition (June 2008) ISO/IEC 26925 *
ECMA-372 C++/CLI Language Specification (December 2005)  
ECMA-373 Near Field Communication Wired Interface (NFC-WI), 2nd edition (June 2012) ISO/IEC 28361
ECMA-374 Data Interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm Optical Disk using +RW DL Format � Capacity: 8,55 and 2,66 Gbytes per Side (Recording speed 2,4X), 2nd edition (June 2008) ISO/IEC 29642
ECMA-375 Case for 120 mm HVD-ROM disk (December 2006)  
ECMA-376 Office Open XML File Formats, 1st (December 2006), 2nd (December 2008), 3rd (June 2011) and 4th (December 2012) editions ISO/IEC 29500
ECMA-377 Information Interchange on Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) Recordable Cartridges – Capacity: 200 Gbytes per Cartridge (May 2007)


ECMA-378 Information Interchange on Read-Only Memory Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD-ROM) – Capacity: 100 Gbytes per disk (May 2007)  
ECMA-379 Test Method for the Estimation of the Archival Lifetime of Optical Media, 3rd edition (June 2010) ISO/IEC 10995
ECMA-380 Data Interchange on 130 mm Rewritable and Write Once Read Many Ultra Density Optical (UDO) Disk Cartridges – Capacity: 60 Gbytes per Cartridge – Second Generation (December 2007) ISO/IEC 11976
ECMA-381 Procedure for the Registration of Assigned Numbers for
ECMA-368 and ECMA-369 (December 2007)
ISO/IEC 13560
ECMA-382 120 mm (8,54 Gbytes per side) and 80 mm (2,66 Gbytes per side) DVD Recordable Disk for Dual Layer (DVD-R for DL), 2nd edition (June 2010) ISO/IEC 12862
ECMA-383 Measuring the Energy Consumption of Personal Computing Products, 3rd edition (December 2010)  
ECMA-384 120 mm (8,54 Gbytes per side) and 80 mm (2,66 Gbytes per side) DVD Re-recordable Disk for Dual Layer (DVD-RW for DL) (December 2008) ISO/IEC 13170
ECMA-385 NFC-SEC: NFCIP-1 Security Services and Protocol, 3rd edition (June 2013) ISO/IEC 13157-1
ECMA-386 NFC-SEC-01: NFC-SEC Cryptography Standard using ECDH and AES, 2nd edition (June 2010) ISO/IEC 13157-2
ECMA-387 High Rate 60 GHz PHY, MAC and HDMI PALs, 2nd edition (December 2010) ISO/IEC 13156
ECMA-388 Open XML Paper Specification (June 2009)  
ECMA-389 Procedure for the Registration of Categories for ECMA-383 2nd edition (December 2009)  
ECMA-390 Front-End Configuration Command for NFC-WI (NFC-FEC), 2nd edition (June 2012) ISO/IEC 16353
ECMA-391 Memory-Spot Interface and Protocol (MSIP‑1) (December 2009)  
ECMA-392 MAC and PHY for Operation in TV White Space, 2nd edition (June 2012) ISO/IEC 16504
ECMA-393 ProxZzzy® for sleeping hosts, 2nd edition (June 2012) ISO/IEC 16317
ECMA-394 Recordable Compact Disc Systems CD-R Multi-Speed (December 2010)  
ECMA-395 Recordable Compact Disc Systems CD-RW Ultra-Speed (December 2010)  
ECMA-396 Test Method for the Estimation of Lifetime of Optical Media for Long-term Data Storage (December 2010) ISO/IEC 16963
ECMA-397 SDVLC (December 2010) ISO/IEC 17417
ECMA-398 Close Proximity Electric Induction Wireless Communications (June 2011) ISO/IEC 17568
ECMA-399 Procedure for the Registration of Assigned Numbers for ECMA-398 (June 2011) ISO/IEC 17569
ECMA-400 Smart Data Centre Resource Monitoring and Control,
2nd edition (June 2013)
ECMA-401 Close Capacitive Coupling Communication Physical Layer
(CCCC PHY) (December 2011)
ISO/IEC 17982
ECMA-402 ECMAScript® Internationalization API Specification (December 2012)  
ECMA-403 NFCIP-2 Test Methods (June 2013)  


요즘의 나는 C#을 공부 하고 있으므로 빌 와그너 씨의 이야기 처럼... 334번과.. 335번 표준을 읽어야 할듯 하다.


제길... 언제쯤 영어라는 장벽을 뛰어 넘을 수 있을까?

'Book > Computor Book...' 카테고리의 다른 글

윈도우 프로그래밍......  (0) 2017.01.14
너무 놀았나???????  (0) 2016.12.30
미쳤따아~~~~~  (0) 2014.04.20
C# Language Specification Version 5.0  (0) 2013.07.16
Posted by 프로그래머란 카페인을 코드로 변환하는 기계다


Language Specification

Version 5.0


Visual Studio 2012 발표 된지가 언제라고.....

벌써 2013이 발표 되면서 C# 버젼도 업데이트 되었다.


C#의 창시자 앤더스 헤일스버그의 C# 스펙문서


공부 할땐... 아무래도 도움이 될듯 싶다...


단 영문이라는게... 좀 씁쓸하지만....

C# 5.0 Language Specification.pdf


세상을 따라잡기는 점점 더 벅차진다..... 젝일.....

'Book > Computor Book...' 카테고리의 다른 글

윈도우 프로그래밍......  (0) 2017.01.14
너무 놀았나???????  (0) 2016.12.30
미쳤따아~~~~~  (0) 2014.04.20
C# 표준...  (0) 2013.07.17
Posted by 프로그래머란 카페인을 코드로 변환하는 기계다